My life so far in 2008...
Has been pretty nice. I started work again and now i only go to school on Tuesday and Thursdays which is really nice cuz not only do i get a 4 day weekend every weekend, but i can work more which means more money... :) I love my job too so that helps alot. The hours go by pretty fast.
I'm taking 6 classes at JJC as of now. Astronomy online, Sociology with a teacher who seems as if she'll have a heartattack any second. I feel sorry for her cuz all the students disrespect her cuz she dont do anything about it... They text take phone calls and everything and she does nothing... going to sleep isnt even a biggie... I love the class because i can do whatever i want! Attandence is 20% of the grade so i have to go, but then again if i show up thats one thing that would pul my grade up :). I have a music class thats so hard for me to understand, but im getting better.. the teacher is aight even tho i cant be 5 minutes late cuz it counts as a tardy and 3 tardys is an unexcused absents and 3 unexcused absentses give u a failing grade....
My English 102 class is AWESOME!!! Cuz i love my teacher i actually took her becuz i had her for 101 and we just automatically clicked!!
And i have a philosophy class thats so mind bogling! Like for real its like an endless circle of nonsense, but i dare not tell him "the teacher" that cuz he's a philosopher... poor guy. lol
Last and most definetly the least is my fitness class 26 visits and i get an A :D! And in the process i stay fit and toned...
So thats basically wat my life is like right now...
Im also trying to raise money for a trip to Europe in the summer so hopefully that works out among many other things hope to accomplish this year...
At 10:53 PM,
Ben said…
Wow, that is amazing and crazy all at the same time. lol. That is a Lot of subjects when your talking college, believe me! Sorry I didn't respond to your email, I have been very busy. Thats really cool that u got a good english 102 teacher; teachers you click with make a trememdous difference! Goodness, your philosophy sounds bout like mine started out. I went to the first day and, maybe I am too open minded or something, they had me questioning do you really know the things that you know and crzy stuff. It was nuts, so I dropped it and got speech; O wat fun, speech. lol. I'll try to drop you a message some time.
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