The White Man In My Garage (True Story)
So last Saturday I had one of my friends over and we were just chilling for the weekend and going to a youth rally that the church was having. So we about to go to mall and and we all in the car in are garage minding our own business when all of a sudden my lil sister starts screaming and pointing like off some scary movie i look just slightly at wat she's screaming at and see a figure i ain't no what it was but i lost it and start screaming too. While I'm screaming to the top of my lungs my friend is looking at us and tapping me like, "Leila! Leila!" So after about five minutes of screaming realizing we ain't dead yet i get a hold of myself and look at her.
She says, "There's a white man in yo garage," Now i would of started to scream all over again, but seeing she was calm I stayed that way as well.
I opened the van door to see this old white guy in a suit with his hair all over the place staring at us like, "What u neva seen a white man before?" Which if u know me know thats just not possible...
So I'm all like, "Can i help you?" And come to find out the guy was standing there in our garage just becuz he needed directions to a place i ain't ever heard of!!! So I kept telling him i ain't no where it was and when he finally got it he walked away all fast like we was about to shoot him in the back with a handgun from out of my purse.... And I'm like yeh walk away fast cuz man you just scared the life out of me.......
Diversity is the suburbs..... you gotta love it! ;)
Labels: black people, diversity, garage, van, white people
At 10:46 AM,
J. No said…
And to think.... you sat right next to me at Ruby Tuesday when you were here. Why weren't you screaming then?
At 12:34 PM,
Dezi. said…
wow.thats really weird..why the garage?
what was he doing?
was your garage open?
was he looking for something and using that as an excuse?
ahh!! what if hes a serial killer/molester/predactor and was just about to stuff a chemical dosed rag over your sister's face before she screamed "LEILA!!"
ahhh! okay. enough panic attacks.
but seriously. thats weird.
haha. touche pour l'ecrive avant moi.
At 4:26 PM,
Unknown said…
funny...same thing happened to me but it was a black girl in mah bathroom watching me in the mirror...haha...hmmm
At 5:36 PM,
Ms. Leila Harris said…
Your so right josh! remind me to scream next time i see ya... :) No really i think it was the shock of all it that got me... I mean the guy was just standing there! And like dez said wat if he was a nutcase which I'm already thinking was the promblem!
At 5:47 AM,
BASF said…
Maybe he thought you were having a yard sale. (Smile)
One of the sisters here, who regularly went to yard sales, was going through the contents of someone's garage thinking she was at a yard sale when the homeowner came out and informed her it was NOT a yard sale.
How embarrassing would that be?
At 4:20 PM,
NumbaSixx said…
trese is sad.
At 6:06 PM,
Unknown said…
lol! I think dana was prob the only one who caught that...I thot it was funny...o well I'll try harder next time lol
At 9:33 PM,
Ms. Leila Harris said…
no i did catch that but it was SAD so i decided not to comment on it...
At 8:41 PM,
Kristen said…
I would scream if i saw anyone i didn't know just standing in my garage!!white or black!! Cuz we've had some crazy people (i mean mentally crazy) in our neighborhood!
At 9:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ha Ha funny
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