Guess What?????

So I'm getting a cat and I'm so hyped about it.... Its going to be short haired grey and white paws (I'm not good with cat breeds but the mother was a Russian Blue Tabby Mix).... also female.... I'm naming her Padme.... and I have to clean up the house and stuff so that when she's 8 weeks we can pick her up and introduce her to our home...
I'm so excited I'm like bubbling... Sometimes i get so bored being at home by myself and doing school now I'll have someone to be with me. *sigh*
We are still trying to figure out whether we are going to get it before or after Knoxville Campmeeting. My mom doesnt want to take it with us so it would probably be best to wait till afterwards so it wouldnt be home alone with my brother Quentin who isnt that excited about the thought of a cat....
Well here our a few pictures of kittens.....