We lost the Super Bowl!!!! That is soooo upsetting I almost cried when I found out. It Took us 21 years to make it to the superbowl again and we blew it! It wasnt even a close game!!!! What happened Bears????? The score at the end was 29-Colts to 17-Bears.... It seemed like at first the bears were doing good. they were the first in Superbowl history to make a touchdown right at the kick off. Then from there they went down hill.... Oh well.... Maybe next year.
At 1:21 PM,
NumbaSixx said…
or in 21 more years...
At 7:28 AM,
Ms. Leila Harris said…
yeh you know.....
At 9:11 AM,
Dezi. said…
sorry, i was ruttin for the colts...the coach's son died last year from commiting suicide. Lifes a horror sometimes...I wanted him to when this one just in memory of his son. He lost him, thankfully he didnt lose the superbowl as well...*gets mobbed by all of chicago for saying this*
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